Benchmark Scientific Z032-HK Super Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge, without rotor, 120 V

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The Z32 HK utilizes much of the technology of our popular Z326 series, with a larger and more powerful motor drive, providing increased speed up to 20,000 rpm (38,007 xg). With 16 available rotor options, the Z32 HK is not only ideal for high speed separations, it would also be classified as a “universal” centrifuge, offering economy angled and swinging bucket rotors for lower speed applications. Tubes from 0.2ml up to 85ml can be accepted, and rotors can quickly be exchanged without any required programming, utilizing the instant rotor identification system.
Despite an impressive capacity of up to 4 x 145ml (or 6 x 85ml), the Z32-HK is surprisingly compact. The refrigeration system is conveniently located behind the rotor chamber, resulting in narrow design of less than 16 inches wide. Advanced microprocessor controls allow for instant rotor identification, which automatically converts the rotational speed to the relevant g-force (rcf), preventing the user from setting a speed above the capabilities of the installed rotor. In addition to retrieving saved programs, the easy to use front panel can adjust accel/decel rates, and change the end of run alarm tone.


brand Benchmark Scientific
capacity 4 x 200mL
dimensions 15.7 x 27.5 x 14.1 in.
list-price 12811.07
manufacturer-part-number Z032-HK
power 120V, 60HZ, 1200W
Spec Sheet Spec-Sheet_Z32-HK.pdf
speed-range 200 to 20,000 rpm
Temperature-Range -20°C to 40°C
timer up to 99 hr, 59min and continuous


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